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 Updates On Local SOID 

 Protection Advocacy Efforts 

Source of Income Protections in Publicly Funded Housing is Currently Being Considered by City Council

In short, the City’s proposed Rental Subsidy Requirements in City Supported Housing policy does not go far enough to protect the growing number of renters in Charlotte who rely on non-wage sources of income to assist with rental expenses through the COVID-19 recovery.  In its current form, the policy only requires source of income protections in public funded housing development that will include affordable units, not all units being developed.


Please contact the Mayor, your City Council Representative, and County Commissioner and let them know you care about SOID!

Please access our ACTION ALERT TOOL to send your auto-drafted letters to the Mayor, City Council members, and County Commissioners to urge them to amend the current form of the Rental Subsidy Requirements in City Supported Housing policy to protect against SOID in ALL publicly funded housing. The policy should include, not just "affordable" housing units, but ALL publicly funded units. The need for more units available to residents that use lawful, non-wage sources of income is at an all-time high as families still struggle to recover from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


There is still more advocacy left to be done to ensure city leadership is truly aware of SOID in Charlotte and understands its impact as a key component to Charlotte’s economic mobility predicament.


Keep tuning in! To view the February 28th recording of the Charlotte City Council’s Great Neighborhoods Committee meeting, in which the Rental Subsidy Requirements in City Supported Housing was presented, Click Here.


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