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 To Action 

Although meetings on SOID among local leaders and advocates in housing, civil rights, and social services began in October of 2019, the need to address Source of Income as a protected class in Charlotte’s fair housing law has never been more urgent in light of COVID-19 economic impacts. As city and regional governments respond to housing needs brought on by COVID-19, we must recognize that ensuring safe and decent housing for our most vulnerable is the most crucial element in maintaining household health.

How Can I Get Involved?

We are glad you asked!


Just as the list of supporting community organizations that lead in affordable housing, civil rights, and social services grows, so too does the list of individual signatories throughout Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. Currently, more than 1,300 Charlotteans from all corners of the city have signed on in support of ending source of income discrimination.


Let the Mayor, your City Council Representative and County Commissioners know that you support protections against Source of Income Discrimination by requiring housing developments supported by taxpayer dollars, to accept all lawful sources of income. This will ensure that all new units funded by public dollars be available to all qualifying residents, on a non-discriminatory basis, regardless of their lawful source of income. 


Applying SOID protections to as many housing units as possible, especially those that receive public funding, is vital to ensuring that the City of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County take a bold step in becoming a model for racial and economic equity.


Just click the name of a city representative listed below, complete the form and a letter will be emailed to them on your behalf.

Appeal to elected officials
Appeal directly to your elected officials:
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